Artemis Brochure now available

Launched on 12 July 2001, Artemis has been designed to qualify new space technologies and promote new services. It also carries payloads which provide elements of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).

Launch failures, abnormal orbits, a recovery operation, Artemis has seen more than its share of setbacks. The Artemis story makes fascinating reading. All the information needed is now contained in a concise and easy to read brochure.

The brochure starts with a thorough description of the successful rescue by the Artemis Satellite Team, which earned them the AIAA award. A detailed description of Artemis' innovative Ion Propulsion system follows. Without this propulsion system and a manoeuvre called 'low-thrust orbital transfer', Artemis might have been lost forever. The feasibility of many of today's planned missions relies on the pioneering work done by the team during this mission. The brochure finishes with a detailed account of Artemis reaching orbit.

Add to this remarkable photographs and an explanation of Artemis' payloads for Data-Relay, Land-Mobile and Navigation Services, and the brochure becomes fascinating reading for expert and novice alike. To download your copy of the Artemis brochure or read even more about the Artemis story, just click on the links on the right side of this page.

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